Friday, October 8, 2010


The Muse in me has gone away
My spirit fades into oblivion everyday.

How did this happen and why?
How did my well of inspiration go dry?

Where did Satire go, did he find a place to hide?
Is he in the deep reaches of my mind inside?

We joked of LeBron James and Kevin Durant
Spoofing them while keeping them current

Then you decided to lose your sheer humor
Your legendary exploits reduced to a mere rumor.

Even I am unsure, perhaps it is Time
Passing me by while taking my rhyme.

Or it is the Devil who thieved my poetic soul
Leaving me this void, which used to be whole.

Perhaps it is this bulb in me that shone twice as bright
But lasted half as long and no longer provides the light.

Maybe it is I, the man that is me
I am not the same demigod I used to be.

I lack my passion, the fire, and poetic drive
I need to regain my spirit to be alive.

Perhaps I will journey to Hell like Dante before
And find myself with my soul once more.

And then I can begin to scribe that day
With doubts dead and my spirit to stay.

September 24, 2010

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